Our School is a Family
Our School is a Family
Our School is a Family
Our School is a Family
Our School is a Family
Our School is a Family
Our School is a Family
Our School is a Family

Our School is a Family

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Students have a classroom community with their teacher and peers, butthey also have an extended family to support them. Specifically, all of the helpers who are a big piece of the heart of a school:
Administrators, school librarians, counselors, speech pathologists, school secretaries, custodians, reading specialists, cafeteria workers, and parent volunteers.¡ust to n a m e a few!
Our School is a Family is a book that will help students feel extra safe, loved, & supported in their learning environment. Throughout the pages, kids will feel more encouraged to form positive relationships with the various members of
their school community. Students may also be inspired to show them extra appreciation, and to find ways that they themselves can be helpers at school too. With its sincere message and inclusive illustrations, Our School is a Family is a
valuable addition to any educator's picture book collection.
Published in 2023

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